Shallow side my addiction
Shallow side my addiction

I could do without all the guitar solos scattered through each track but Boatright’s vocals carry each song enough to make the release worth a listen and peak my interest enough that if the band ever passed through Omaha, I’d catch them live. But other, more serious, effects can be disorienting and dangerous. Some of these effects subside once the body adjusts to the medication. Some users also experience stomach cramping and short-term memory problems. Shallow Side as a band is fueled by raw powerful vo. To the four members of Shallow Side their name is not just two words representing them as a group but instead it’s the representation of humble beginnings infused with the knowledge life is unforgiving but there’s hope for a better tomorrow. Overall, for the band’s first attempt recording, Stand Up is a decent release. Mild side effects can include nausea, lightheadedness, vomiting and a metallic taste in the mouth. Cullman, Cullman County, Alabama, United States. “Crazy”, which no doubt has the girls screaming when played live, should have started off with the first verse and chorus acoustic before cutting into the driving beats and shredding guitar chords of an authentic rock song. Watch the video for My Addiction from Shallow Sides Stand Up - EP for free, and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. This band seems to genuinely care about their music though and is working hard to bring their sound to the world, they just need to stop playing it safe with their craft and take some chances beyond adding a few banjo strums to “My Addiction”. These five guys have the talent to create music but lack the writing intensity that will set them apart from the flock of mediocre rock bands currently flooding the market. “Stand Up”, the EPs title track, and “We Won’t Die” each have a rock anthem feel they both fall short of that epic vibe that would fill an arena. I also get the impression that Shallow Side is meant to be a life band.

shallow side my addiction

While each of the EP’s 5 tracks is laced with Eric Boatright’s smooth vocals, I get the impression that the band is trying to pack too many of their musical influences into every track instead of finding their own unique style. of benzodiazepines Klonopin still wins out in my book Crushing the tablet to. Forming in Cullman, Alabama in 2010, two solid years of touring with dozens of bands and playing over 200 live shows in front of thousands of fans have done little to put a unique spin on Shallow Side’s music that would set them apart from every other rock band trying to make a name for themselves. Long term side effects of clonazepam use include addiction, memory loss.

Shallow side my addiction